Maó - Favaritx - Maó

Regular line L43

Route: Maó- Favaritx - Maó

Time: 25 minutes

KM: 18.5 km.

Maó stops:  Bus station in Maó

Favaritx stops: 1. Parking Favàritx - 2. Camí de Cavalls (Beach Cala Presili and Cala Tortuga). - 3. Faro de Favàritx

Map of the line

Maó Bus Stop

Favàritx Bus Stop

Route Maó - Favàritx

L43 Schedules from 16th September

Frequent questions

Booking and prices

What does the ticket cost? And for residents?

Normal single ticket price, with reservation or on the bus. 3,50 € one way.
Price for large families, general category: 2,80 € one way. *
Price for large families, special category. 1,75 € one way. *
To enjoy discounts for large families, it is necessary to hold the transport card of the Insular Council that accredits it; The tickets with the right to a discount will have to be purchased at the bus itself and the previous booking by web page is not possible.

How can I book?

On the website

What card can I use to get a discount?

You can get a discount with the cards issued (free of charge) by the Menorca Island Council. T-Més, T-Jove, T-General, and the ticket must be purchased from the Bus itself, without the prior reservation being possible.

How far in advance can I book? And modify or cancel?

From the beginning of the website, July 1st, you can book at least 24 HOURS before the trip.
It can be canceled or modified at least 24 hours before the trip.

If I’ve already purchased my ticket, can I cancel or modify it?

YES. The reasons for cancellation are irrelevant.

From what age do children need to have tickets?

Children over the age 4 need a seat and must have a ticket.

How to get a transport card? is free?

The card is obtained at the Consell Insular de Menorca and is completely free.

Is there a maximum of places to reserve?

20 PLACES MAXIMUM per reservation.

Stops and schedules

Where will the Bus come from? Where are the stops in Favàritx ?

From Mahón, buses will leave the station; In Favàritx, stops will be made in the vicinity of the access barriers to Capifort and Morella, and in the lighthouse. The descent and rise of travelers in the area of s'Escala will be allowed.

What is the timetable? When are the first and last buses?

From July 1st to September 15th, the first bus from Mahón will depart at 10:15, and the last from Favàritx, at 19:25.

Does it run on the same timetable from Monday to Sunday? What about public holidays?

The timetable remains the same all week long, even on public holidays.

What happens if there are people in Favàritx without a booking because they have come by foot from the Camí de Cavalls?

If there are seats available, they can get on the bus. If not, they will have to wait for the next one to come along with available seats.


Can bicycles or other large objects be taken on the bus?

Bicycles that have not been folded down, surfboards, kayaks, etc. cannot be taken on the bus, but deck chairs, cool boxes, etc. can.

Is there a surcharge for luggage?

No, under no circumstances.


How many spaces are there on each bus?

There are buses with 30 spaces.